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7 Best Examples of Native Ads You Ever Wanted to Know

The marketing industry is obsessed with native advertising, and bigwigs are no longer the only ones using it. Understanding native ads is crucial for a successful ad campaign, whether you’re an experienced marketer or a curious 10-year-old. So let’s explore the intriguing world of native advertising together.

What Does Native Advertising Actually Refer To?

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Imagine a commercial that blends in with its surroundings like a chameleon. Native advertisements function in this way. They come in a variety of formats, including articles and videos, and they blend in with the aesthetic of the platform they are displayed on.

How Dos Native Advertising is done?

Like a ninja hiding in plain sight, native advertisements must blend in with the design and tone of the website or app they are on. They are difficult to identify since they provide information that visitors to the website would anticipate.

Why Is Native Advertising Important?

Well, it maintains a smooth user experience, and the fact that there are no rigid guidelines for labeling native ads adds to their covert character.

Common Types of Native Ads

Native ads come in many flavors. Here are some common ones:

1. In-Feed Ad Units

   – They blend seamlessly with content.

   – Could be sponsored articles or content that looks like articles.

2. Search Ads

   – Look like regular search results.

   – Think of Google AdWords.

3. Recommendation Widgets

   – Show related content or links.

   – Found while reading articles.

4. Promoted Listings

   – Appear on e-commerce sites.

   – Sponsored product listings.

5. In-Ads

   – Contextual text ads.

   – Relevant to the page’s content.

These are just a few examples, but there are more types of native ads out there.

Best Examples of Native Ads

  Here are some examples of Native Ads

1. The Onion – Fun Example

   – Witty and satirical website.

   – H&R Block’s native ad example.

2. Forbes – Informational Type

   – Contributor-led model.

   – Blending advertisement with information.

3. UPS Infographic – Branding Example

   – Subtle native ad.

   – Matches Fast Company’s content seamlessly.

4. BuzzFeed – Paid Native Ad Listings

   – Look for “promoted by” boxes.

   – Paid native ad listings.

5. New York Times – Brand Recognition

   – Paid post for Dell.

   – Increasing brand recognition.

6. Facebook – Sponsored Native Ads

   – Appear in your news feed.

   – Examples of native ads on social media.

7.  Google – Contextual Native Ads

   – Top search results as paid placements.

   – In-search contextual native ads.

Are Native Ads profitable:

Native ads can be cost-effective depending on where they appear and the audience they reach. Programmatic native campaigns can optimize spending patterns. While native ads might have a higher Cost-per-Mille (CPM) than banners, their engagement potential makes them a valuable part of marketing.

Why Native Ads Are Becoming Popular Online

  • Say Goodbye to Banner Blindness

Banner blindness is real. People have become immune to traditional ads, and their attention spans keep shrinking. Native ads, on the other hand, are catching eyes and getting messages across effectively.

  • Can Native Ads Go Too Far?

Sometimes, native ads blend in so well that readers might mistake them for impartial content. Proper labeling, like “Advertisement” or “Sponsored,” ensures transparency and prevents deception. Marketers need to be cautious not to cross the line.

Native Ads vs. Display Ads

Display Ads:

– Banner-like graphics.

– Effective for brand promotion and retargeting.

– Visible on various websites.

– Marketers’ go-to for online advertising.

Native Ads:

– Blend into the platform.

– Look less intrusive.

– Allow detailed product or service showcasing.

– High engagement potential.


By now, you should have a good grasp of what native ads are. They seamlessly blend into content, entertain, inform, and sell. To create a successful native ad, understanding your audience and the platform is key.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) How do Native Ads Differ from Traditional Ads?

 A – Native ads blend with content; traditional ads are clearly labeled as advertising.

Q2) What are the Different Types of Native Ads?

 A – In-feed ads, search ads, recommendation widgets, promoted listings, and more.

Q3) How are Native Ads Typically Priced?

 A – Typically priced on a CPM or CPC basis.