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VAST vs VPAID: Video Advertising Technologies

There are now billions of dollars on the line in the expanding market of video advertising. All publishers, advertisers, and marketers want a piece of the action. VAST and VPAID are two essential elements in the field of video advertising. This page will explain what VAST and VPAID are, how they function, how they differ from one another, and much more. So let’s get started, whether you’re an experienced expert or a curious 10-year-old!

Video Advertising Stats

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Let’s set the stage with some fascinating facts regarding video advertising before we delve into the specifics of VAST and VPAID:

  • A staggering $180.40 billion is predicted to be spent on advertisements in the video advertising sector in 2022.
  • By 2027, mobile will account for about 25.10 percent of all spending on video advertisements.
  • Spending on connected TV (CTV) advertisements is anticipated to reach $26.21 billion in 2022 and $48.63 billion by 2027.

These figures demonstrate the substantial potential for expansion of the video advertising sector. Understanding the major players, such as VAST and VPAID, is vital for publishers who want a piece of this financial pie.

What Is VAST (Video Ad Serving Template)?

Think of VAST as a magical script that enables video players to show video ads on different websites and gadgets, like smartphones, desktop PCs, and tablets. Its goal is to force video players to display advertising in accordance with publisher requests.

How VAST Empowers Publishers

VAST gives publishers control by providing instructions to the video player:

  1. Which ad to play
  2. How to play the ad
  3. How long the ad should last
  4. Where users should go after clicking the ad
  5. Whether users can skip the ad

How VAST Works

VAST operates in a three-step process:

1. Request: The video player asks the ad server to fetch an ad.

2. Response: The ad server sends media files and tracking URLs to the video player.

3. Triggering URLs: The video player launches tracking URLs/pixels, allowing others to measure impressions.

Versions of VAST

VAST has evolved over time:

– VAST 1.0: Supported MP4, 3GP, MOV, basic event tracking.

– VAST 2.0: Added support for Flash, JavaScript, quartile events, and player tracking.

– VAST 3.0: Introduced skippable ads, OBA compliance, and improved error reporting.

– VAST 4.0: Brought advanced features like separate video + interactive files, mezzanine files, viewability, and advanced reporting.

– Current Version: VAST 4.2

Limitations of VAST

No technology is perfect, and VAST has its drawbacks, including issues with ad viewability and occasional technical errors.

What Is VPAID (Video Player Ad Interface)?

VPAID is another script, but this one empowers advertisers to serve rich media and interactive ads to users—something VAST can’t do. VPAID also records how users interact with video ads, offering advertisers valuable performance data and publishers a revenue stream.

How VPAID Makes Ads Interactive

VPAID achieves interactivity by allowing users to:

1. Click on different parts of the ad for information

2. Expand the ad’s view

3. Fill out forms within the ad

4. Take surveys embedded in the ad

5. Interact with ad elements or even play games

How VPAID Works

The VPAID process is similar to VAST:

1. Request: The video player asks the ad server for an ad.

2. Response: The ad server sends the VAST XML file along with the VPAID-compliant ad unit.

3. Communication: The video player and ad unit constantly exchange data.

4. Tracking: Both the video player and ad unit send tracked impressions and activity data to their respective servers.

Steps To Creating Custom VAST Tag

Creating a custom VAST tag involves these steps:

1. Manual XML Creation: Edit predefined parameters and combine them to create a full-fledged XML file for the VAST tag

2. Google Ad Manager: Use Google Ad Manager to generate tags by selecting tag type, options, and result.

3. Third-Party VAST Tag Generators: Use third-party tools for tag generation, ensuring compatibility with your video player.

Steps To Creating VPAID HTML5 Creative

Creating VPAID HTML5 creatives is similar to making HTML5 banner ads:

1. Select an HTML5 ad builder.

2. Create a banner ad, using different formats if needed.

3. Add video to your creative using the `<video>` tag in your HTML file.

4. Test and preview your creative.

Understanding VMAP And MRAID

VMAP (Video Multiple Ad Playlist): VMAP enables the definition of ad insertions within long-form video content by video ad producers. The quantity, timing, and length of ad breaks during videos are all under the hands of ad makers.

MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions): MRAID is an API for interactive rich media ads in mobile apps. In order to provide customers with interactive elements like extending advertisements and gaining access to device capabilities, it assists advertisers in creating ads that function across devices and apps.

Relationship with VAST and VPAID:

– VMAP improves ad makers’ power within VAST.

– By enabling rich media interactive advertisements in mobile situations, MRAID enhances VPAID.


Technologies like VAST and VPAID are vital to the development of video advertising, which is increasing. Understanding these technologies is crucial whether you’re a publisher attempting to profit or an advertising looking to engage users. Although they may appear complicated, the differences between VAST and VPAID support the dynamic world of video advertising.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What is the main difference between VAST and VPAID?

A – Since VPAID adheres to the IAB communication standard, it is thought to be more dependable than VAST metrics. The video player needs to support VPAID standards in order for advertisements to appear in a VAST tag.

Q2. Does the VPAID tag also work on mobile?

A – Due to potential slower page loads and compatibility difficulties, VPAID is not recommended for mobile devices.

Q3. Is VPAID deprecated in 2023?

A – Slow video load times and security difficulties are problems that VPAID has encountered. Open Measurement Interface Definition (OMID) and Secure Interactive Media Interface Definition (SIMID) have taken its place.