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Brand Safety Advertising: Why It’s Important for Publishers

What is brand safety advertising?

Brand safety advertising is the practice of protecting brands from appearing alongside inappropriate content. This can include content that is violent, hateful, or sexually explicit.

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Brand safety is important for both advertisers and publishers. Advertisers want to ensure that their brands are associated with positive content, and publishers want to maintain their brand reputation and attract high-quality advertisers.

Why is brand safety important for publishers?

There are a number of reasons why brand safety is important for publishers:

To protect their brand reputation: Publishers want to be known for producing high-quality content that is appropriate for advertisers. If a publisher’s content is associated with inappropriate content, it can damage their brand reputation and make it difficult to attract advertisers.

To maintain trust with their readers: Publishers want their readers to trust that they are not being exposed to inappropriate content. If a publisher’s website is known for displaying inappropriate ads, it can erode the trust of their readers and lead to decreased traffic.

To maximize their advertising revenue: Advertisers are willing to pay more for ad space on websites that are brand-safe. By implementing brand safety measures, publishers can make their ad inventory more valuable to advertisers and increase their advertising revenue.

How can publishers implement brand safety measures?

There are a number of things that publishers can do to implement brand safety measures:

Use a brand safety solution: There are a number of brand safety solutions available that can help publishers to identify and block inappropriate content. These solutions typically use a combination of machine learning and human review to identify inappropriate content.

Work with a reputable ad network: A reputable ad network will have its own brand safety measures in place. By working with a reputable ad network, publishers can reduce the risk of their ads appearing alongside inappropriate content.

Whitelisting and blacklisting: Publishers can whitelist certain advertisers and publishers to ensure that their ads only appear on brand-safe websites. Conversely, publishers can blacklist certain advertisers and publishers to prevent their ads from appearing on websites that they consider to be brand-unsafe.

Manual review: Publishers can manually review their ad inventory to identify and block inappropriate ads. However, this can be a time-consuming process, especially for large websites.

Brand safety advertising is important for both advertisers and publishers. By implementing brand safety measures, publishers can protect their brand reputation, maintain trust with their readers, and maximize their advertising revenue.

There are a number of things that publishers can do to implement brand safety measures, such as using a brand safety solution, working with a reputable ad network, and whitelisting and blacklisting advertisers and publishers.