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Fill Rate Meaning: What It Is and How to Improve It

What is fill rate?

Fill rate, also known as ad fill rate, is the percentage of ad slots that are filled with ads. It is calculated by dividing the number of ad slots that are filled with ads by the total number of ad slots, multiplied by 100.For example, if you have 100 ad slots and 80 of them are filled with ads, your fill rate is 80%.

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Why is fill rate important?

Fill rate is important because it affects your advertising revenue. If your fill rate is low, you are leaving money on the table. Additionally, a low fill rate can lead to a bad user experience, as users may see empty ad slots on your website.

How to calculate fill rate

To calculate your fill rate, simply divide the number of ad slots that are filled with ads by the total number of ad slots, multiplied by 100.For example, if you have 100 ad slots and 80 of them are filled with ads, your fill rate is 80%.

How to improve fill rate

There are a number of things you can do to improve your fill rate, including:

Use a header bidding solution: Header bidding is a technology that allows you to sell your ad inventory to multiple ad exchanges at the same time. This can help to increase your fill rate and CPM.

Set competitive floor prices: Floor prices are the minimum prices that you are willing to accept for your ad inventory. If your floor prices are too high, you may have a low fill rate. Conversely, if your floor prices are too low, you may not be able to maximize your revenue.

Target your ad inventory: The more targeted your ad inventory is, the more likely it is to be filled by advertisers. You can target your ad inventory by demographics, interests, and other factors.

Use a variety of ad formats: There are a variety of ad formats available, such as display ads, video ads, and native ads. By using a variety of ad formats, you can make your ad inventory more attractive to advertisers.

Work with a reputable ad network: A reputable ad network can help you to fill your ad inventory with high-quality ads.

Fill rate is an important metric for measuring the effectiveness of your ad campaigns. By following the tips above, you can improve your fill rate and increase your advertising revenue.